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Who We Are

This platform came from a want to show our little 10 year old cousins the games we used to play back in the 90s.

Currently, pre 2010 PC games are difficult to play on new machines. It requires a high level of technical adjustments and research to get old games to play. Also, old games are hard to find since most stores have turned to selling only digital games.

This platform is a space to keep playing old games. To make old games as accesible as a book. Anyone can grab a book made in the 1900s and start to read. This doesn't exist for old games since they are locked to certain platforms or software.

The goal of this platform is to be a library so that future generations can enjoy this digital art without hindrance.

We're not here to save the world or make it a better place. Rather, we're here to bring the future you, joy by preserving an art from our youth.

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